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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

About Us

Welcome to Northmead Junior School

Northmead school uniform


Our Ethos and Values

At Northmead every child is valued as a unique individual. We believe all children have the right to enjoy and achieve to the best of their ability in a safe, happy and secure environment.

We believe in the importance of building up close relationships with the children based on mutual understanding and respect. Visitors to the school frequently comment on the friendly calm atmosphere created by the children and staff. A strong partnership with parents supports and encourages each child to reach their potential.

We appreciate parents' involvement in school activities, sharing children's success and progress.        

At Northmead Junior School the safeguarding of children is our highest priority.    

At the bottom of this page you will find our school development plan.  This document includes the key priorities we are working on this year to further improve our school. 


Try more, learn more, achieve more!

Aims of our school:

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures each child has a high quality, stimulating, varied and inclusive learning experience, which encourages creativity, enjoyment and excellence.

  • To build committed, supportive and effective teams, operating within a united whole.

  • To develop self esteem and a positive attitude towards others.

  • To raise each child's expectation of what they can achieve both now and in preparation for adult life 

Our Vision

Every child is important, valued
and included at Northmead.

We are given equal opportunities
to achieve our very best,

whatever our different abilities
or challenges might be.