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Examples of Year 4 History homework
Why Homework?
Homework reinforces what your child is learning in school. It also gives you a chance to become involved in the learning process.
Tips for good homework habits
- Do find a quiet place at home to use as a homework area. It needs a flat surface, a good light source and the right equipment eg pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, glue.
- Do plan a homework timetable and agree on when your child will do their homework.
- Do allow your child to have something nutritional to eat before starting on homework.
- Do discuss any homework tasks with your child and how it connects with what they are studying at school.
- Do turn off the TV - but you could have music on if they find it helpful.
- Don't give your child the answer in order to get a task finished. Instead, explain how to look up information or find a word in a dictionary.
Reading with your child is vital. Research shows that it's the single most important thing you can do to help your child's education. It's best to read little and often, so try to put aside some time for it every day. In Year 4 we ask children to read aloud to an adult, at least three times weekly.
Children have a reading record which must be filled in each time they read at home.
Written English or maths homework
Your child will be given either a written English task or a maths task on a Monday which must be handed in on the following Monday. It should take around 30 minutes to complete.
They have a weekly spelling list, so they can practise their spellings throughout the week.
Times tables
It is crucial children learn their times tables. Set aside some time each week to work on this aspect of maths. Please also make use of Timetable Rock Stars and Hit The Button.
Topic Homework
Each term we will provide an open ended project based on an area of the curriculum that we are learning about. The first project will be set before the October half-term break. These projects will be shared as pictures/powerpoints/presentations or physical posters/ models etc.
Children not completing homework
Homework is an important part of your child’s weekly learning and we urge you to set up a clear routine with your child so they can complete homework by the deadline. Children who fail to complete the weekly homework will be asked to catch up during their social time at school. Parents of those children who are persistently failing to complete homework will be invited in to school to meet with the class teacher to discuss how we can support you and your child with homework.
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