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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

PUpils Area

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

You have now reached your final year at Northmead, a fantastic time lies ahead. Year 6 is the year in which children take on more responsibility (both in terms of roles within the school and of their own learning) and they mature into young people ready for secondary school. Year 6 is often seen to be dominated by the SATs and by the Isle of Wight trip; one of which children look forward to, one of which they don’t! These are both important events in the year, but there is a great deal going on besides, from lead roles in the school play to being a playground buddy. Year 6 is an exciting year to be a part of.


Parents, please do contact us if you have any concerns or queries about any aspect of your child’s school life. Year 6 is a challenging and rewarding year and we need your support to help every child make the most of it.

There are three classes in Year 6:

Mr Kemp


Mrs Mansfield


Mrs Powell


Mrs Diot


Mrs Pilson



 Routines and Reminders

PE takes place every Tuesday and Thursday- please come to school in your PE kits on this day.


The Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) are a national week of tests for children in Year 6. They will take place from 9th-12th May 2023. These tests are nothing to be worried about: the children will be extremely well-prepared and the tests should be seen as an opportunity to show what they can do.  Please do not book a holiday during this period.



Going to secondary school in September 2024


Year Six children will be given a leaflet which explains how to apply for a secondary school place for children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013

To find all the information you will need, go to 

If you prefer to have a hard copy of the school admissions booklet and application form, you can email or call 03002001015.

A booklet will not be sent to you unless you request one.

For all other enquiries relating to the school admissions process,

Please call Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 03002001004


Apply online at by 31st October 2023



Teaching Sets

Maths and English are taught in ability sets every morning.


Group Number


Group 1/2 Mrs Diot & Mrs Mansfield
Group 1/2 Mrs Pilson
Group 3 Mr Kemp
Speech and Language Centre Mrs Jeffery-Hofman


Group Number


Group 1  Mr Kemp
Group 2 Mrs Pilson
Group 3 Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Diot
Speech and Language Centre Mrs Jeffery-Hofman


Try more, learn more, achieve more!

  • liam gowan 8 years ago
    mr kemp is the best teacher ever he should get a raise :)
  • riley hopkins 2 years ago
    mr kemp is the best teacher ever he should get a raise :) i back up liam gowan because it is facts

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