Behaviour & Exclusions Policy
Code of Conduct
Northmead is a well disciplined school and the children are taught to be polite, cheerful and respectful by adults who are kind, calm and assertive. praise and reward good attitude and behaviour. Bulling, violence and bad language are completely unacceptable. We expect the full support from parents in these matters. Various sanctions may be imposed on children who show a lack of self discipline. These could include loss of free time, completing extra duties, a daily home/school target book and ultimately 'in-house' suspension. It is very rare, but not unknown, for children to be excluded for very serious, or a repeated breakdown of behaviour. By keeping this clear code of conduct, we are able to ensure that children are comfortable and happy at school.
Please find below details of our schools Behaviour and Exclusions Policy. If you require a free paper copy of these policies please contact the school office (01483 529870).