Miss Ramsay is the subject leader for Music
Our curriculum intent for music
Our Music Curriculum ensures all children at Northmead are exposed to a variety of genres of music, have the opportunity to listen, appraise, learn and perform and be encouraged and inspired to be involved in a range of musical opportunities. Music is delivered in class using the Charanga scheme of work, which provides contemporary digital resources and covers a wide range of musical genres and skills. We have many exciting musical opportunities for children at Northmead from participating the largest school choir in the world to learning the recorder or drums in from one of our many peripatetic teachers.
Year 3
Autumn 1: Let Your Spirit Fly
This unit covers a range of genres, including: R&B; Musicals; Motown; Soul, and looks at the historical context of musical styles
Autumn 2: Winter Production Songs and Christmas Carols
Each year group has a song to learn for performance in the winter production as well as the finale song.
Spring 1: Three Little Birds
This unit of work is based on songs from the Reggae genre. Children focus on instrument identification, composition and innovation. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked.
Spring 2: Dragon Song
This unit helps children develop their understanding of music from around the world and singing in two parts.
Each class will learn the basics of how to play the recorder including reading basic notation, dynamics and gain an understanding of pitch. If your child would like to purchase a recorder to use, they would be very welcome however we do have several in school for them to borrow.
Summer 1: Bringing us together
A study of disco music with a heavy focus on performing and doing so with confidence.
Summer 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
To finish the year, children will listen to and appraise Western Classical music as well as looking back at their favourite music from the year.
Year 4
Autumn 1: Mamma Mia
All the learning for this unit is focused around one song: Mamma Mia. Through this the children look at the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked.
Autumn 2: Winter Production Songs and Christmas Carols
Each year group has a song to learn for performance in the winter production as well as the finale song.
Spring 1: Roman Songs
This unit of work is focused around the History topic of the Romans. Each class will enjoy learning a range of Roman inspired songs comparing to modern music.
Spring 2: Lean on Me
This unit is based on a soul/ gospel song by Bill Withers which contains appraisal of many other soul and gospel artists including Mary Mary, Elvis Presley and our local ACM Gospel Choir in Guildford.
Glockenspiel or Piano Course
Each year group will be learning to play an instrument in class during the course of the year. Year 4 will work on instrumental skills through learning the glockenspiel.
Summer 1: Blackbird
This unit covers a range of styles and genres as well as drawing together musical skills of listening and appraising, composing, improvising and performing.
Summer 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
To finish the year, children will listen to and appraise Western Classical music as well as looking back at their favourite music from the year.
Year 5
Each year group will be learning to play an instrument in class during the course of the year. Year 5 have the fantastic opportunity of learning to play the clarinet. For their 10 week block, delivered by a teacher from Surrey Arts, the children are loaned a clarinet to use in school and to practise at home.
For the rest of the year the children in year 5 will cover four of the units listed below.
Autumn 1: You've got a friend in me
This unit covers a range of styles and genres as well as drawing together musical skills of listening and appraising, composing, improvising and performing with a particular focus on rock anthems.
Autumn 2: Winter Production Songs and Christmas Carols
Each year group has a song to learn for performance in the winter production as well as the finale song.
Spring 1: Happy!
All the learning for this unit is focused around one song: Dancing in the Street! -. Through this the children look at the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked.
Spring 2: Music and Me!
In this unit, children use composition skills build throughout all prior units to create their own raps using the inter related dimensions of music to explore manipulating sound.
Summer 1: Dancing in the street
During the first half of the summer term, children enjoy learning about Motown music including the history of it and how it has influenced music today.
Summer 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
To finish the year, children will listen to and appraise Western Classical music as well as looking back at their favourite music from the year.
Year 6
Autumn 1: Livin' on a Prayer
All the learning for this unit is focused around one song: Livin' on a Prayer. Through this the children look at the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked.
Autumn 2: Winter Production Songs and Christmas Carols
Each year group has a song to learn for performance in the winter production as well as the finale song.
Spring 1: Fresh Prince of Bel Air
All the learning for this unit is focused around one song: Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Through this the children look at the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. In addition, it draws together musical skills of listening and appraising, composing, improvising and performing.
Spring 2: Music History
Year 6 reflect on the music history they have learnt over the course of their time at Northmead and work on placing music they hear in chronological order. This may be based on recording technology, quality and instruments that they can hear. This is a way of bringing all their learning into context before learning their last song at Northmead next term.
Summer 1: Make you feel my love.
A unit with a heavy focus on performing and developing a love of learning a song as a whole year group.
Summer 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
To finish the year, children will listen to and appraise Western Classical music as well as looking back at their favourite music from the year.
Ukulele Course: Each year group will be learning to play an instrument during the course of the year. Year 6 will work on instrumental skills through learning the ukulele. They build upon music notation reading skills, using the inter related dimensions of music and other theory they have learnt to apply in the context of cords and performance for fun.
Extra-curricular opportunities
There are several clubs and opportunities available for those who are interested.
We currently have:
- September to January - Young Voices Singing Club (Thursday after school)
- January to March - G Live Choir (Thursday after school)
- April to July Recorder Club (Thursday after school)
- September to March Orchestra for G Live (Monday after school)
- April to July Orchestra for Summer Spectacular (Monday after school)
- Peripatetic music lessons
If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument, or you have any questions about what is available, please feel free to contact Miss Ramsay at or book directly with Surrey Arts or The Rock and Pop Foundation. We have several instruments owned by the school (particularly brass and string instruments) which are currently not in use.
If your child is interested in learning drums or guitar (individually or within a small group), follow the Rock & Pop Foundation links below to apply for music lessons.
If your child is interested in learning another instrument or singing lessons (individually or within a small group), Follow the Surrey Arts Music Lessons link below for further details and to apply for lessons online. The current offer includes violin, guitar, piano and drums.