Personal, Social and Health Education
Miss Ramsay is the subject lead for PSHE
Our PSHE Curriculum ensures all children at Northmead are fully prepared to lead a happy, healthy life, now and in the future.
Our Aims
At Northmead, we believe that a good quality PSHE education involves discretely teaching knowledge and skills as well as developing positive attributes towards life in the wider school. In line with the latest government recommendations, we are developing a PSHE curriculum which fits our pupils and is up-to-date; responding to the ever-changing modern world. We are now following the PSHE Association Programme of Study which encompasses a variety of topics under three core themes: ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’. Teachers use a variety of SEAL, Learn4Life (Wiltshire Healthy Schools) and other well-developed schemes. We endeavour to teach children how to take pride in their work and to value being part of a classroom community. We are excited to be rolling out a new method of recording children’s learning in this subject. By nature, PSHE is a subject where collaborative and practical learning is at the forefront, therefore each class will be creating a whole class record book showing the learning of all pupils.
Every child has access to a well-balanced curriculum structure that develops skills, attributes and knowledge they need to flourish as individuals within our community. Each year group chooses if the content they are delivering is best taught within weekly sessions or blocked afternoons/ days. This is adaptable at the discretion of the teacher as many topics lend themselves to full days when visitors can come on or small daily lessons over a week to build on skills every day. It is important to recognise our diverse group of children, and we aim to encompass relevant learning for all, from road safety, online gaming and habits to how to fit in and support our immediate and wider community. We believe every child, with every need, from every background deserves the same, tailored education and opportunities. Our robust safeguarding policy ensures staff have a realistic view of current needs of our families and our curriculum is fully adaptable to each class. The majority of learning is recorded in a class book, here are some examples of this year so far:
PSHE Learning across our curriculum
We use ‘Learning 2 Learn’ characters which are integral to the way in which our lessons are delivered and accessed as a class. More information can be found towards the bottom of our ‘curriculum’ page. We adopt a restorative justice approach to behaviour management and have compassionate school training.
Assemblies address a variety of current topics and themes and the culture adopted by every member ensures we all strive to create a coherent view of what a ‘Northmead child’ is. The focus is to cover the weekly question with some sort of learning through PowerPoints, stories, songs and acting linked to the halftermly theme. The weekly questions are in the hall and are filled in once classes have had the time to individually reflect.
Sex education
Sex education is taught mainly in Year 4 and Year 6. It is sensitively delivered and parents are kept informed about the content and context of the lessons to ensure that further discussion at home is supported with confidence. We use a series of DVDs entitled 'Living and growing' (Channel 4) and some age appropriate videos from Amaze to support our teaching. The relevant policy about how this fits with statutory relationships' education can be found in the link below. This policy was written and takes account of parent consultation. Please inform your child’s class teacher if you wish to withdraw your child from these lessons.
British Values
As part of our wider curriculum, children are immersed in "British Values". These are defined as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. Each week the children will be given a question relating to the values, to think about in more detail within their classes. The children have been showing us what reflective and empathetic individuals they are, which is a pleasure to see. Much of the British Values is covered within this four year curriculum and is enhanced further as below:
Democracy – school council, voting regularly for choice of class activity, choice of food for each class on special choice days, voting of school council reps, sports capitals, head of houses and other special roles and duties.
The rule of law – links from school behaviour policy to law, sharing of current news and explanations of how the law is on the side of the truth.
Individual liberty – children are actively encouraged to make their own choices – an example being Fantastic Friday (drop down day full of activity choices encouraging children to choose from a variety of ‘extra’ learning opportunities). Children are taught about how it is their choice who talks to them, who takes them places, touches them, takes pictures of them etc. We encourage children to make their own decisions and within reason challenge others.
Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without a faith – variety of faiths and beliefs shown through PSHE and RE teaching and quality recently updated resources.
All curriculum at Northmead is underpinned by the following:
Spiritual – Teaches and encourages reflection on own beliefs, understanding, respect and tolerance of others faiths, feelings and values. Fosters a feeling of confidence, inquisitive learning and a thirst for finding out about others beliefs.
Moral – Teaches about the law of our country and how that differs round the world. Explores the idea of action and consequence in friendships, school, behaviour now and in the future (law). Develops the understanding of what is right and wrong, what is law and what is a belief or cultural difference.
Social – Shows children the benefit of being socially aware, learning to value their friends and people around them. Teaches about different religions, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds and how to be accepting of these. Teaches what a good friend looks like, how relationships can be different and appropriate in different contexts.
Cultural - Develops understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own lives and lives of those they encounter. Willingness to participate and learn about a variety of cultures responding positively and openly to differences in food, faith, art, music, sport and living situations among other cultural differences.
How can you support your child?
The most important thing to remember is that you know your child. Talk to your child about how they are feeling, what they are experiencing and provide them a safe space to open up and be honest with you. If you need any specific support around topics your child may be learning in class, feel free to email your class teacher or Miss Ramsay on for some guidance. One tool we use for dealing with ‘tricky’ subjects is stories. Here are a few we have shared lately focusing on differences, worries, inclusion, Covid-19 impact, feelings, emotions, self-belief and environmental issues.
The Year We Muddled Through:
The World Made A Rainbow:
In my Heart:
The Worrysaurus:
While We Can’t Hug:
Ruby’s Worries:
Shine: The Lion Inside:
The Dot:
Two Can Toucan:
Winston Was Worried:
Greta and the Giants:
Further Information and Being Involved:
For more information on what is covered in your child’s year group, please see the year group pages on the website.
We welcome members of the community to share real life experiences and would love to hear from you if you have a skill, job or interest that would inspire the children. The children currently benefit from hearing all about road safety from our school crossing patrol person.
Useful website links