Nut Allergies
We would like to remind everyone that Northmead is a nut free school. It is vitally important that we remain vigilant about this and reduce, as far as possible the chances of children who have nut allergies coming into contact with any form of nuts.
We would like to remind everyone that Northmead is a nut free school. It is vitally important that we remain vigilant about this and reduce, as far as possible the chances of children who have nut allergies coming into contact with any form of nuts. The school caterers do not use any form of nuts in the preparation of school meals.
We must insist that children's packed lunches do not include any products containing nuts. This is also a good opportunity to remind everyone that morning snacks must only be fruit or vegetables.
Thank you for your continued support in this serious matter. If you have any questions please contact me or our Home School Link Worker.