March Reading Newsletter

The value of picture books For many of us, picture books hold a cherished place in our hearts. I can’t see my very battered copy of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ without it instantly conjuring memories of being a very small child, sitting on my mummy’s lap whilst she read to me.
So, whether it's because they're the first books we recall hearing ourselves or it’s memories of sharing them with our own children, or perhaps it's simply because great picture books are artistic and linguistic masterpieces; picture books are precious.
But just because picture books are often the first reading experiences that captivate young readers, it doesn't mean they are only for younger pupils. I would encourage you to continue to share picture books with your children throughout the junior phase and beyond.
Picture books help enhance literacy skills by introducing children to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and storytelling techniques. Just like poetry, picture books can offer an incredibly rich reading experience in a much shorter package than a novel. You can have the same deep discussions with your child, explore the same challenging ideas and encounter the same beautiful language without setting aside weeks to finish the book.
Another significant advantage is the emotional and social development that picture books facilitate. Children can learn about empathy, emotions, and different perspectives. They also provide an excellent platform for discussing a wide range of topics, including cultural diversity, moral values, and personal challenges.
In assembly, Mr Lewis recently shared two of his current favourite picture books; the hilarious I can Only Draw Worms by Will Mabbitt and I Don’t Want Curly Hair by Laura Ellen Anderson.
Please see the attached Newsletter for more news about Book Week at Northmead.