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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

School Crossing Patrol

School crossing patrol lollipop sign

I write with great news - Frankie, our new crossing patrol starts this Friday!

I know you're all going to make Frankie feel very welcome, especially after we have had a long wait for Surrey County Council to successfully recruit him to this position.

May I also take this opportunity to ask drivers not to stop on Grange Road outside the school to drop your children off, this is illegal and unsafe. We recognise that the yellow zigzag lines and single yellow lines are very faded, but we've been assured that these are going to be repainted late spring/early summer.

Also - we have a petition running at the moment with Guildford Borough Council as we'd like them to introduce double yellow lines on Grange Road outside the school and for them to install flashing school warning signs. Please take a few moments to sign this petition.