Welcome Back to School
We are looking forward to welcoming children back to school on Friday 3rd September.
Starting & Finishing Times :
The school gates will open from 8:30am and children need to arrive in school ready for registration in class at 8:50am. This will allow a gradual start to the day and a way of reverting to normal school start times.
End of the school day will be 3:05pm for year 3 and 4, 3:15pm from year 5 and 6. If these times cause any problem regarding collection from Stoughton, please collect your younger children first, and we will supervise your older children at Northmead until you are able to collect them.
P.E Days.
We would like to continue the current practice of children wearing their PE kit into school on the day they have their PE lessons. This reduces the amount of PE time being wasted and also makes sure everyone has their PE kit for the lesson!
PE days will be as follows: Monday - Year 4, Tuesday - Year 5, Wednesday - Year 3, Thursday - Year 6.
We will continue with children playing with their year group supervised by their teaching assistants. We will also continue with children eating their hot school dinner or packed lunch in their classrooms supervised by their own teaching assistants.
Moving around the school.
We will be keeping the one way system around the school as this has created a calm, quiet route around the building and is well-used and understood by all.