At Northmead Junior School we strongly believe that learning extends well beyond the classroom. We provide opportunities for children to undertake a range of enrichment activities which support and enhance their learning
All year groups have a number of curriculum linked on-site visitors and day trips. We view every visit as an experience for the pupils and an opportunity for them to develop. Here is just a taster of the educational visits the children currently access:
Wisley Gardens
Butser Celtic farm
Haslemere museum
Winchester Science centre
The British Museum
Guildford Town Centre
The Houses of Parliament
Portals to the Past
The Space Dome
In addition, residential visits are also offered
- Year 4 - a one night residential trip to Holmbury St. Mary youth hostel. .
- Year 5 - a two night residential trip to Marchants Hill PGL centre.
- Year 6 – a four night stay on the Isle of Wight.