Child Protection and Safeguarding
Safeguarding Statement “It could happen here”
At Learning Partners Academy Trust (“the trust”), we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.
The trust has set up a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Statement that applies to all schools. This outlines the trust’s aims in respect of child protection and safeguarding and sets roles and responsibilities. The policy requires schools to define and implement their own Child Protection and Safeguarding policy arrangements, using the trust policy template that is appropriate for the local school context. The purpose of this policy is to provide staff, volunteers, trustees and governors with the framework they need in order to keep children safe and secure in our school. This policy also informs parents and carers about how we will safeguard their children whilst they are in our care.
Please follow this link to the Learning Partners Child Protection and Safeguarding.