Mrs Reviriego is the subject lead for R.E.
The syllabus for R.E. at Northmead is based on "The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey's Schools 2023-2028”. Our curriculum is inclusive, celebrates diversity and gives pupils the opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them.
Within the Surrey Agreed Syllabus, children will explore Christianity as well as 2 other religions every year. Additionally, the children will reflect on their learning and apply it in a Thematic unit where they will be able to make connections between religion and their own experiences and life.
Each unit will include substantive knowledge, ways of knowing (viewed through the multi-disciplinary ‘lenses’ of theology, sociology and philosophy) and personal knowledge, as well as key questions that might be asked to help shape the learning in different ways.
Through the teaching of RE we try to prepare our pupils for life in this rapidly changing world, where critical thinking and discernment is becoming even more important and valuable.
On leaving Northmead, a successful learner of RE will:
- Know the main teaching and beliefs of world religions;
- Show tolerance and respect towards both religious and non-religious views;
- Identify key artefacts from different religions, treating them appropriately;
- Visit places of worship and interact with members of different faiths;
- Be a tolerant and respectful member of the local community/ society.
In the table below you can see a summary of the topics taught in each year group.
Our RE topics
The children meet for an assembly each day. This includes collective worship but also involves moral teaching and aspects of every day life.
Provision can be made in class /assemblies for children whose parents do not want them to take part for religious reasons.