Year Six SATs
We are confident that the children are as prepared as they can be for the SATS tests next week. Here is a copy of the SATs timetable for the week.
Here are a few reminders for you and your child:
- Children are encouraged to join us for breakfast from 8:10 in the dining hall. Bacon rolls will be served (and a vegetarian alternative). Even if your child does not want to eat breakfast, they are still welcome to come in at this time.
- Children may bring chocolate as a snack next week.
- Please encourage your child to bring a bottle of water each day.
- If your child is unwell or injured during SATs week please contact the school as soon as possible – it is often easier to come to school, sit the test and then go home, than arrange another time to sit the paper.
- Try and make sure your child gets plenty of rest over the weekend and during the week.
When we are not doing tests next week we intend to do some relaxing, fun activities. The week will be over before we know it!