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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

School Photos - Monday 30th September

Children who have PE lessons on Monday should come to school in their school uniform, and bring their PE kits to change into after they have had their school photo taken.

We will be taking individual studio photos at your school on 30th September 2024

Please visit our website to view the type of images we produce.

Our passion is to provide a small beautiful portfolio for you to select from.

If you do not want images of your child(ren) taken please contact your school.


Please ensure your child is wearing the appropriate uniform as required by the school.

Viewing your images:

View online via secure login

We will send you your contact sheet with your secure gallery details to the school as soon as your images are ready (this should be approximately 3 weeks after the shoot).

If you require changes to your images please use our online changes request.

Queries – Please feel free to contact us

Please do call us with any queries or problems, we are here to help.

T: 01252 728457 / E: