Newsletter- Issue 7
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you were able to enjoy some time with friends and family over Christmas and your plans were not too disrupted by covid isolation. It has been good to welcome everyone back to what feels like a more settled and normal start to the term. We have been able to return to lower and upper school assemblies as well as children eating together in the dining hall and year groups being able to play together at break and lunch times. Day visits for year groups have been planned to enhance learning in History and Geography. Year 3 are going to RHS Wisley on Thursday where they will study the tropical climate zone and plants growth.
Safeguarding - Each month we will be drawing staff and parent’s attention to a particular focus on safeguarding. This month we have been discussing the Netflix programme squid games. Surrey Safeguarding team have sent through a link regarding Squid games, and we thought it would be wise to share some key information with you on the attached sheet with this newsletter. Squid Games is a series on Netflix which is rated as 15+ as the visual content includes high levels of gore, death, violence and physical assault. Children are likely to have heard about the show via word of mouth and because it is popular on social media. Please take some time to read the attached information.