Newsletter Issue 14
Dear Parents, As you will have heard in the news, schools may be able to reopen from 1st June to welcome back year 6 children, if the government thinks it is safe.
We are currently reading and discussing the guidance from the government to help us create an action plan for a phased reopening. We will share this with you as soon as possible, so you know what the school’s reopening will look like in practice.
This is a very unsettling time for all of us , but please be assured we are going to be doing everything we can to be ready to welcome year 6 children back to school in a way that is safe for children and for staff.
We would like to reassure you that we will not be pressurising anyone to send their children to school, since you know your children and personal situation best. We will keep you updated with our preparations for making the school as safe as possible ,in order for you to make an informed decision.
In the meantime , the school is still open for vulnerable children and the children of key workers. We are not in a position at present to extend places to other children until we receive further government guidance.
As the numbers of children from key workers and vulnerable children continue to slowly increase we have decided to return to our own school base at Northmead on Tuesday 26th May. Please note the school will not be open on bank holiday Monday 25th May . We will not be able to open our school kitchen at such short notice , therefore children will be required to bring a packed lunch to school each day.
We have been made to feel very welcome at Stoughton Infants School and would like to thank Sarah Carrington, Head Teacher and her team. It has been a unique and positive learning opportunity for all of us to work in a setting catering for children from 2 to 16.
We would like to thank you for your continuous support in helping your child learn from home. We will continue to provide this , so please do continue to do what you are doing and stay in touch with us about how your child is doing.
If you have any questions regarding these new plans please do not hesitate to contact me
Take care and stay safe. We hope to be able to see you soon.
Debbie Brown